2019 conferences: a crowdsourced list of 100+ events

2019 conferences: a crowdsourced list of 100+ events

Last month, we looked back the conferences we attended in 2018 and asked Lab Report readers to share their top events. We received more than 100 suggestions for conferences and summits across a wide range of industries and topics — from health and space to technology and design.

The healthcare industry wins for submitting the most event suggestions, and we noticed that AHIP (America’s Health Insurance Plans), CNS Summit, HIMSS, HLTH, J.P. Morgan Healthcare, and TEDMED popped up in many survey responses.

Beyond health, survey responses showed a broad, cross-disciplinary interest in topics like tech, business, and culture. When we asked about dream conferences — the places they’d be if time, access, or budget were no object — many respondents mentioned CES, EmTech, SXSW, TED, and World Economic Forum as conferences they aspire to attend.

What makes a conference worth considering? On LinkedIn, a reader told us she looks for “conferences where the content goes cross-sector, features new ideas and diverse talent, fosters discovery, and builds community.” Another reader offered a different litmus test: “which conference is so good that, if cancelled, you’d think about starting it up again?”

The full list, loosely categorized by topic, is below. Did we miss an important event? Email editor@luminary-labs.com to let us know where you’ll be this year.

Health & life sciences

Design & digital



Space & science

Civic innovation & smart cities

New ways of working & doing

Culture & futurism

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash


Sara Holoubek
Founding Partner and CEO
Jessica Hibbard
Senior Director, Communications & Insights